On-site Bolt Audits
A bolt audit is an inexpensive insurance policy against the unknown. We do on-site bolt auditing and measurement to verify residual elongation, tension, and percentage of yield.
On-site Ultrasonic Bolt Measurement
We provide trained, experienced technicians along with the latest ultrasonic bolt measurement instruments to accurately measure and document that your bolts have been tightened to within the OEM specifications.
On-Site Supervision of Ultrasonic Bolt Measurement Teams
Many projects already have an ultrasonic bolt measurement system on-site; however, the mechanics or technicians have little or no experience performing this type of work. In these cases, it is advisable to contract for supervision of the team performing the work, eliminating the risk of instrument operation and procedure errors which can lead to erroneous measurements.
On-Site Consulting for Bolted Joint Failures
Our engineers and technicians have over 30 years of experience working with critical bolted joints. If you have problematic bolted joints, we can help you make the necessary changes to methods, procedures and design to eliminate failures.
Training and Seminars
We provide on-site training by one of the world’s foremost instructors in ultrasonic bolt measurement, including the Bolt Gage 2 & 3, the StressTel/GE Bolt Mike II and III, the Norbar USM 1, 2 & 3, Dakota MiniMax and the Resonic Instruments – Delta Sigma.
Sales and Support
We offer, for both sales and rental, top bolting measurement equipment from manufacturers like Skidmore-Wilhelm, Resonic Instruments and Norbar.
Call us at
(407) 923-3724
Why use IBT?
In addition to the decades of experience in the bolting industry that enables us to identify the best methods and products for our customers, IBT can provide the on-site training your technicians need, provide you with precision bolting tools and instruments, and perform on-site ultrasonic bolt measurement services.