Expert On-Site Supervision of Ultrasonic Bolt Measurement Teams
International Bolting Technologies can provide global on-site supervision of your personnel performing ultrasonic bolt measurement.
Many projects already have an ultrasonic bolt measurement system on-site; however, the mechanics or technicians have little or no experience performing this type of work; likewise, the customer may prefer to rent the ultrasonic instrument and use their own personnel so that they can perform the ultrasonic bolt measurement in the future. In cases like these it is advisable to contract for training, if required, and supervision of the personnel performing the work. This eliminates the risk of having instrument operation and procedure errors which can lead to erroneous measurements and a need to repeat the measuring process a second time to get accurate data on your critical bolts. Once again, It is far less expensive in the long term to ensure that the technicians are properly trained and supervised recording accurate measurements the first time, rather than discovering during a bolt tension audit that errors were made and that part or all of the bolts needs to be brought within specifications.
IBT has performed On-Site Ultrasonic Bolt Measurement, Consulting or Ultrasonic Training on 5 continents in over 20 countries including: USA, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Finland, Germany, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom (England & Scotland), and Venezuela.